Protect your intellectual property and register your trademark to stand out in the market.

Register your trademark.

Conduct a prior search for your trademark

We assess the registration feasibility.

100% online and in-person service for greater convenience.

Protect your intellectual property and register your trademark to stand out in the market.

Register your trademark.

Conduct a prior search for your trademark

We assess the registration feasibility.

100% online and in-person service for greater convenience.

Steps to follow


Respond to an exploration request by providing the details of your trademark (name, logo, and activities). Based on this information, we will conduct an inquiry to assess the likelihood of IMPI granting the registration of your trademark.


Within 48 business hours, we will conduct a thorough search to assess the feasibility of registering your trademark with IMPI. If our findings are positive, you can proceed with the application for your trademark registration.

Rest assured that we will be working diligently to provide you with a prompt and reliable response regarding the official protection of your brand. We look forward to assisting you in successfully securing your commercial identity!


Make it easy: fill out an application and make the payment, and we will take care of all the necessary procedures with IMPI.


The IMPI will take approximately 6 months to communicate whether they approve or reject the registration of your trademark. You can rest assured that we will closely monitor the entire process and keep you informed of any updates that arise. Your satisfaction is our priority.

Steps to follow



Respond to an exploration request by providing the details of your trademark (name, logo, and activities). Based on this information, we will conduct an inquiry to assess the likelihood of IMPI granting the registration of your trademark.




Within 48 business hours, we will conduct a thorough search to assess the feasibility of registering your trademark with IMPI. If our findings are positive, you can proceed with the application for your trademark registration.

Rest assured that we will be working diligently to provide you with a prompt and reliable response regarding the official protection of your brand. We look forward to assisting you in successfully securing your commercial identity!




Make it easy: fill out an application and make the payment, and we will take care of all the necessary procedures with IMPI.



The IMPI will take approximately 6 months to communicate whether they approve or reject the registration of your trademark. You can rest assured that we will closely monitor the entire process and keep you informed of any updates that arise. Your satisfaction is our priority.


What is the importance of conducting a prior investigation before starting the registration process?

In order to assess the feasibility of IMPI granting the registration of your trademark, we will be able to determine if there is any existing trademark that is identical or similar to yours during the search. If we find an existing matching trademark, you will avoid incurring unnecessary expenses for the registration.

After the search, can I apply for the registration of my trademark?

You can proceed with the registration application only if, after conducting the search, we find a high probability that the IMPI will grant the registration of your trademark favorably.

What is the approximate timeframe that IMPI will take to grant or deny the registration of my trademark?

The typical duration is around 4 to 6 months on average.

What options do I have if doubts or questions arise during the process of registering my trademark?

You will have the personalized assistance of an assigned specialist, who will be available to address any inquiries you may have and will guide you through each stage of the process, providing continuous support and assistance.


5/5 on Google


5/5 on Google

What is the cost and requirements?

What is the cost and requirements?

Requirements for Individuals and Requirements for Legal Entities.

The requirements for individuals and legal entities


Costo de Investigación y Registro


$999.00 MXN + IVA

  • Brand name
  • Logo
  • Description of activities for which the brand will be used.
What type of person are you?
Contact us.

$8,500.00 Up to $10,500.00 MXN per class + IVA.

  • Having requested a preliminary search
  • Applicant information
  • Applicant’s identification

The type of service and the price are subject
to changes for the trademark registration.


$999.00 MXN + IVA

  • Brand name
  • Logo
  • Description of activities for which the brand will be used.
What type of person are you?
Contact us.

$8500.00 MXN per class + IVA

  • Having requested a preliminary search
  • Applicant information
  • Applicant’s identification

The type of service and the price are subject to changes for the trademark registration.




•Tecomán Colima.
Av Emiliano Zapata #500 A.

•Colima, Colima.
Av La Paz 59-Local 10, Sta Bárbara, 28079 Colima, col.



• +52 312 113 1307

We would be delighted to work for you.

In the digital world, the first impression is everything. It’s time to join forces and work together to make your company impact and connect with more clients. We would be delighted to serve you.




•Tecomán Colima.
Av Emiliano Zapata #500 A.

•Colima, Colima.
Av La Paz 59-Local 10, Sta Bárbara, 28079 Colima, col.



• +52 312 113 1307

We would be delighted to work for you.

In the digital world, the first impression is everything. It’s time to join forces and work together to make your company impact and connect with more clients. We would be delighted to serve you.


•Tecomán Colima.
Av Emiliano Zapata #500 A.

•Colima, Colima.
Av La Paz 59-Local 10, Sta Bárbara, 28079 Colima, col.



• +52 312 113 1307

We would be delighted to work for you.

In the digital world, the first impression is everything. It’s time to join forces and work together to make your company impact and connect with more clients. We would be delighted to serve you.

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